"Once upon-a-time a young girl named Hermana Kelemen was serving with another young girl named Hermana Graff. They were serving a mission in Spain. Once day, they were doing their morning weekly planning, and they discovered that their birthdays were two days apart, and in the same week. Later on, they soon discovered that their district leader too had
his birthday in the same week, and they then decided to have a birthday week. The hermanas decided that each day of that week, they were going to do something fun. Weeks later, this small but simple idea then exploded, and the whole world found out."
Okay, like it's getting weird. We were walking with a member and she said, "So what are you guys doing on p-day for birthday week?" My comp and I looked at each other shocked. We hadn't told this member anything. Then, we were once walking with someone else, and he said, "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I have a really good recipe to make for birthday week..." What?!! So now...I can't figure out how, but our birthdays have become a Spain Holiday for the people in the hood. Don't ask me how this came to be...it just did.
Also, during a lesson with a recent convert, my stomach growled and he asked if I had gas. I said no, and explained I was hungry. But, he wouldn't believe me. He told me he too once had the same problem, so now he watches what he eats. Also, another tip he gave me, was to drink water. It was really annoying because it was clearly a growl, but he wouldn't believe me. In the meantime, my comp didn't even back me up; she just laughed, and agreed with the water tip.
This week was such a good week. Lately, I have been having the same dream. In the dream, I'm in my last interview with the President to go home, and every time, I start crying, asking him if I can stay a little bit longer. And then after the interview I wake up. It scares me. Mainly, because if you didn't know, I have ten months in the mission, and only eight left. And really, I love it. The thought of it ending is scary. I just don't know why I keep having that dream.
Something I've really been thinking about, is the Sabbath day. It's the people who keep this commandment that are the strongest in the Church. Keeping it holy isn't done in three hours of church attendance. This is a day we renew our convents with God; it is a day we become clean again. With the sacredness of it, there is a reason for why we must keep it holy. How do we keep it holy? I want you to think about it.
Hand of God: this week in district meeting I felt the spirit really strong. We talked about the importance of faith, and I don't what it was, but it seemed to be an answer to my prayer. My faith is something I always need to be strengthening.
Hermana Kelemen
District photos Below: