I forgot to tell you about my squirrel hair. It's gotten beyond wild. Like, it's nuts. I haven't cut it once...well, except for once. When I first got in the field, I met an Hermana who had just got her hair cut. It was super uneven and very odd. So after seeing that, I never wanted to go anywhere to get my hair cut.
During the summer, my hair started to get a little wild. Several people told me it is super easy to cut your own hair. Me, being Kate Kelemen, not only believed it, but tried it. Let's just say one chunk was super uneven then the rest. (Junie B. Jones moment----remember when she tries to cut her own bangs.) This was about three months ago, and I just haven't found the time to fix it. So today, was the day, I finally gave-in and attempted to tame the squirrel mane.
This week was super duper good. Antonia and Daniel finally were baptized!! Can I get a hoot, hoot? It was such a good baptism, and they were so happy, so of course we were so happy. During the baptism, I felt so spoiled again. The mission is such an incredible experience, and I honestly feel like a lucky duck that I have this opportunity to be here in Spain.
We also had an international dinner with the ward (like we did in my other area in Barrio 8). These things are big in Spain. So of course, we were asked to dance. This time, to shake things up, we did Cotten Eye Joe with a mix of Frozens, Let It Go. It was kind of a missionary skit/dance. It's hard to explain but it was super funny. Again the members made fun of my dancing. One of them told me, "you really know how to jump like a frog with your long legs."
But our investigators came, and got to know the ward better, and really enjoyed the activity----which was a plus.
This week has been so good. I love it here in the hood. Everyone keeps telling me I am going to leave this area in two weeks...and when they do, I just want to cry. I don't want to leave, not one bit. Things are so good. We have four amazing investigators right now who, I'll be shocked if they aren't baptized. The ward members are just the best; manifest by all the food they feed us.
I wish I could express how fun and amazing missionary work is. I wish you all could come spend a day in my shoes. I wish you could meet the people I have met, and seen the things I have seen. But it's impossible...so you're just going to have to take my word for it when I say, "I love it."
I also love life. Aren't you glad you chose to come to earth and experience life?
Something I've learned that might sound a bit harsh--there are people out there who love to "brag" (it's a term my companion and I made up) about their trials and hard things they have in their lives. Don't be a bragger. I really don't understand why everyone likes to talk about their hard things, because they act like they are singled out. NO, you are not the only one. Welcome to planet earth. Believe it or not, everyone else in the world has trials just like you. I know that sounds harsh, but to really express what I'm feeling, read the poem Solitude in 101 famous poems:
"Laugh and the world laughs with you,
Weep and you weep alone...
Sing and the hills will answer,
Sigh and it's lost in the air…"
I'm not saying you have to be someone who constantly puts on a fake smile and pretends nothing's wrong. But there is always a million and five good things to talk about...so why just moan and "brag" about all the trials and bad things that are going on in your life?
Don't 'brag', rather, speak of uplifting things.
Love Hermana Kelemen
P.S. Birthday week is getting bigger and bigger----I don't understand---?
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